Any individual who desires to be a candidate for a vacancy on the Board must:
(a) Meet all of the qualifications set forth in section 4.02 hereof; and,
(b) Submit a nomination form to the Secretary of the Corporation which declares the intention to run and is signed by 2 Active Members in Good Standing at least 60 days prior to the date of the next annual Members meeting or such other time as may be specified by the Board.
In order for an individual to be a director, the individual must:
(a) Be an Active Member in Good Standing;
(b) Be 18 years of age or older; and,
(c) Not have the status of a bankrupt.
Please note: The term for each of the Board Positions below is 4 years.
The President shall be the chief executive and operating officer of the Corporation and, subject to the authority of the Board shall have general supervision of the business of the Corporation, and shall without limiting the generality of the foregoing:
(1) Preside at all meetings of the Board or committees of the Board.
(2) Appoint standing committees and special committees.
(3) Act as member ex-officio of all committees.
(4) Coordinate committees.
(5) Submit articles to the editor of the Corporation’s official publication, The Notebook.
(6) Submit articles to the webmaster of the Corporation’s official website,, and ensure accuracy of website content.
(7) Coordinate award nomination procedure including soliciting nominations from law enforcement agencies, in the Atlantic provinces, providing nomination packages to the Awards Coordinator, and contacting nominees and nominators after award recipients have been selected.
(8) Preside over awards ceremony during annual conference with the Awards Coordinator.
(9) The President, shall also be the Professional Association Liaison, and shall perform among other things, the following functions:
(a) Establish contacts and introduce the object of the Corporation to all professional law enforcement associations, unions, and affiliates within the Atlantic Provinces.
(b) Respond to enquiries from various sources, including members, law enforcement agencies, and International Association of Women Police.
(c) Submit annual spring and fall affiliate reports to the International Association of Women Police.
(d) Represent the Corporation at International Association of Women Police functions such as annual conferences and board meetings.
(10) attend all AWLE Executive Meetings and AWLE Conferences, wherever possible
The President may delegate responsibility for these duties as required.
The Vice-President, if any, shall have all of the power and authority, and shall perform all of the duties of the President in the absence of, disability or refusal to act of the President. In addition, the Vice-President shall assist the President and the Board, as necessary, in the performance of Board duties.
Attend all AWLE Executive Meetings and AWLE Conferences, wherever possible.
The Secretary, if any, shall perform, among other things, the following:
(1) Maintain such books, documents and papers as the Board shall determine.
(2) Attend and keep detailed minutes of all meetings of the Board and members and prepare board Meeting Agendas.
(3) (a) Transcribe minutes and send copies to all members of the board within 30 days after the meeting.
(3) (b) Create task lists that require actioning of the board members from meetings and forward to all members of the board within 30 days after the meeting.
(4) Receive correspondence and other materials for the Corporation and maintain them in orderly files. Respond to correspondence as requested by the President and/or Board.
(5) Assure that the records and files are available at meetings as may be needed or requested for reference. Advise the President and Board as requested during meetings.
(6) Present minutes for approval at Members and Board meetings either in writing or as read, unless otherwise waived by a majority of the Members or of the Board, as the case may be.
(7) Provide the Board with a complete and current listing of addresses and phone numbers of all Board and committee members and updates as necessary.
(8) Will fulfill and perform the function as the Historian:
(a) Maintain the archives of the Corporation
(b) Compile pertinent material of interest and/or concern to the Corporation.
(c) Upon providing a written request to the President, present material of interest, to members at meetings and conferences.
(9) Attend all AWLE Executive Meetings and AWLE Conferences, whenever possible.
The Treasurer, if any, shall perform, among other things, the following functions:
(1) Maintain custody of all funds, property and securities of the Corporation.
(2) Submit record to two (2) appointed trustees annually, to review and verify spending accountability of the Corporation
(3) Endorse for collections, cheques, notes and other obligations and deposit in the bank of the Corporation.
(4) Sign receipts, vouchers, cheques, bills of exchange and promissory notes issued by the Corporation.
(5) Make payments as necessary on behalf of the Corporation.
(6) Enter regularly on the books, the full and accurate account of all money received and obligations paid.
(7) Render written annual financial statements to the Board.
(8) Make available at all times to the Board or Members, the Corporation’s books.
(9) Submit all records immediately after leaving office.
(10) Attend all AWLE Executive Meetings and AWLE Conferences, whenever possible.